Batman is one of the most technologically advanced superheroes (which logically follows from his extreme richness). His fictional city Gotham is very similar to New York – maybe because the creators of Batman made all parallels to make it possible to compare the two cities.
Playing games online for free about Batman, you will fight an endless number of bad guys as games about this superhero are mostly shooters and arcades. In some of them, he also drives bike but shooting stays inherent to these games as well. The most part of free games about him was made in simple graphics so it is possible to play them even on not too powerful devices.
Free online games - Batman games
Batman games
Lego DC Mighty Micros
Lego Gotham City Speed
Batman's Gotham Dark Knight Total Blackout!
Batman Jigsaw Puzzle Collection
Justice League Story Maker
Batman Anlimited: Super Meme Yourself