Free online games - Puzzle games - Wheely 8
Wheely 8 Game Info
Wheely 8 Game Info
This browser game titled Wheely 8 is indeed pleasant game which is available on Geko absolutely for free. Wheely 8 has a vast list of categories, for example puzzle and arcade and many more such as one-player, hidden-objects, kids, adventure, point-and-click, racing games as well. This is an HTML5 game so you do not need any additional soft to play it. All you need is your finger on mobile and mouse and keyboard on PC to gain achievements in this game. Feel yourself at home playing Wheely 8 online game for free on
Game Categories
Puzzle Arcade Hidden-objects Kids Adventure Point-and-click Racing
Game Rating
Language: English
Times Played: 57010
Votes: 2127
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